Why you'd want to live in Spanish Fort
Spanish Fort is a friendly community which enjoys an excellent quality of life and a unique natural setting. The City maintains a sustainable level of planned growth with an emphasis on high-quality new development. Our neighborhood character is complemented by community-supportive institutions and environmentally friendly businesses which serve local needs and provide jobs for our residents. You will find Spanish Fort to be a diverse community with a good mix of lifetime residents and newcomers. The integrity of existing natural resources has been protected while public access and recreational opportunities have been enhanced. Spanish Fort's close proximity to Interstate 10 enables its residents to conveniently commute to a workplace in Mobile, Baldwin County, and northwest Florida. Originally developed as a "bedroom community", Spanish Fort has experienced growth at a remarkable rate in the past decade. It's location north of Interstate 10 also provides Spanish Fort residents a distinct cost of living advantage over those who reside south of the Interstate because insurance rates typically drop for those residing north of Interstate 10. via cityofspanishfort.com